
Showing posts from August, 2017

For the Love of Ruffles!!

Hello chillies, happy new month!  The year is speeding out very fast. Stop procrastinating, act now. You can’t afford to give up on ourselves; you are the key to your happiness. Today it’s all about ruffles. It sounds just like it looks. lol Recently I was going through my old pictures, hmmm good old days!! I spotted one of my most cherished outfit, a lovely pink gown with ruffled neckline. Chai I loved that gown ehn…am sure many ladies can relate with this, those readymade gowns with ruffled sleeves, puffed sleeve, pleats and a dozen lining.   Ruffles is back to the fashion scene, from the ruffle dress to the ruffle top the unique thing about it is that if it is well placed it act as accessory, so you worry less about accessories when you rock them. Ruffles could be worn to work or  owanbe,  recently brides rock trendy ruffle gowns   Check this out The ruffles are properly placed on the neck and sleeve, serving as accessory ...